Friday, February 3, 2012

Sometimes I just wanna talk about me!

I was really happy with last night's workout. I wondered if I would feel run down from having only minimal carbs since Tuesday night, but I took my BCAAs and had a medium coffee and I was rearing to go. It usually takes some effort to get myself through the dynamic warmup but today I flipped on the autopilot and was done before I knew it.

  • Dynamic warmup
  • Power/dynamic effort: full squat clean (power/dynamic effort)
    • 3 x 135
    • 3 x 185
    • 1 x 205
    • 1 x 225
    • 1 x 245
  • Auxilary (pull) - T-bar row (four 45# plates + one 25# plate)/strict pullup superset
    • 10 x row followed immediately by 9 pullups
    • 8 x row followed immediately by 7 pullups
    • 6 x row followed immediately by 5 pullups
  • Metcon - AMRAP 6 (as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes) - Completed 5 rounds exactly
    • 15 overhead KB swings (45#)
    • 10 kipping pullups

Last week I maxed at 235 in the clean, and I pulled 245 today. I almost lost it on the front squat portion but I salvaged. I set my PR of 255 about 3 months ago, and I hope to hit that, if not more, in 2 weeks. I'm going to work on shoulder flexibility so I can perfect the "front rack" position - that will definitely help me with higher loads. I felt strong on the rows. You can see the rep numbers go in sequence from 10 to 5, but that was just coincidence; I went to max reps on each set. The metcon was definitely taxing from a work capacity standpoint, but the limiting factor here was my grip. My forearms were shot after the cleans, rows, and pullups, so I was forced to do a few sets unbroken which probably cost me some reps. Nonetheless, I was satisfied.

If and until it proves detrimental, I'll fast until after my workout even on the cardio days, but I'll be sure to bring a post-workout snack in the future. My primal urge to crush plants and animals after lifting heavy things forced me to make an emergency stop at Wegman's on the way home. I ended up with half a pound of "Just Turkey" and a bunch of those tiny red bananas, about which I've always been curious (for the record they taste exactly like the big yellow ones). I ate half the turkey (~4 oz.) and two bananas before leaving the parking lot. Then...

7:15PM - 2 steamed sweet potatoes with a handful of berries, topped with cinnamon and nutmeg. Steamed asparagus topped with a 6oz. tuna steak seasoned and sauteed in coconut oil (~1 Tbs.); half a can of beets as a garnish. 

I still had 4 chicken breasts left from the pack I bought on Monday, so filleted them and baked them in a pan with mushrooms, eggplant, canned tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a bunch of spices. At 9:15PM I microwaved a bowl of butternut squash with berries, threw two of the breasts and half the veggies on top of some raw spinach, and went to town. I took a picture but the quality was even worse than usual. It was crazy good and I'll probably eat the other half tonight, so I'll post the pic tomorrow.

Pardon the selfish nature of today's post. It's just that it's Friday and I really don't feel like writing any science-y stuff. So to make it worth your while:

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