- Concentric-only bench press with bands:
- 135 x 3
- 185 x 3
- 205 x 2
- 225 x 1 x 3
- Incline dumbbell press
- 85s x 9 + 1 followed immediately by 10 clapping pushups
- 85s x 7 + 1 followed immediately by 10 clapping pushups
- 1 set of dips to max: 20 reps
- Metcon: EMOM (cap at 12) - made it all 12 rounds
- 3 reps of fat bar bench press at 155#
- 25 double unders
I got exactly what I wanted from this workout. I've had a pretty tough week in the gym and the concentric bench worked the largest motor units without actually causing my body to feel "tired." Any weightlifter knows that upper body days are cake! I worked both DB press sets to failure, which made the subsequent clapping pushups more difficult than I'd anticipated. The second set I had to break it up into 5, 3, and 2 or else I probably would have hurt myself. I did the dips on a whim. I surprised myself with the metcon; I figured to fail on the bench somewhere between 8-10 minutes but I was able to push through all 12 rounds, and even did 100 double unders instead of 25 to finish out the last minute. I take pride in the fact that I didn't miss a single DU the whole time through.
I forgot to bring a PWO snack so I rushed home to my 1/4 lb. turkey breast and a nectarine. I'm sure you're pretty familiar with my M.O. by now, so you know that an hour later, things got serious.
7:15 PM - 1/2 lb. ground turkey; 1 can of beets, 4 cups of spinach (steamed); 2 1/2 sweet potatoes made into fries with coconut oil; tomato-balsamic dipping sauce.
I had a small apple in between meals.
9:10PM - Sorry this picture sucks but the big plate has a baked pork chop and some steamed broccoli with Frank's on both. In the bowl is 6 egg whites cooked in coconut oil and mixed with a can of pumpkin, 1/2 a banana, ~2Tbs. apple butter, some cinnamon and cocoa powder.
That pumpkin makes me extremely full, and I love it. I watched some TV and fell asleep around 11:15. I didn't set an alarm and woke up at 10...must've needed some extra shut-eye. I haven't yet decided whether I'll go to the gym today or just do some stretching and light calisthenics at home, but one thing is for sure: I better steer clear of the peanut butter!!!
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