Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pancakes and pork?!

I anticipate the lack of educational info will continue through the weekend. I'm a busy bee, and I'm sure you're all geared up for Super Bowl feasting anyway, so there's no sense in taking the time to post a guilt trip today. Friday's workout went like this:

  • Dynamic warmup (I think I'll stop writing this next week. Perhaps Monday or Tuesday I'll post about why I always do some calisthenics and active stretching before I get to the serious shit.)
  • Flat bench press (2:30 rest)
    • 250 x 3
    • 235 x 4
    • 225 x 6
    • 215 x 7
  • Handstand pushups (2:00 rest)
    • 13
    • 9
    • 5 and 3/4 - damn that last inch
  • Metcon - 5 rounds in 16:35
    • :90 jumprope at moderate pace to start each round
    • 50-40-30-20-10 lunges
    • 50-40-30-20-10 pushups
    • 10-8-6-4-2 burpee pullups

I felt decent benching, but as you can see I started to fatigue heavily on the HSPUs. I decided to do a slightly longer metcon today because I did three short ones to start the week. It was sweat city! By the 4th and 5th rounds the 90 seconds of jumproping felt like an eternity and my arms felt like they were about to explode. Masochists like me enjoy such a feeling, so I left happy. I ate a tiny red banana and the rest of the deli turkey (4 oz.) on the way home from the gym, at around 6:30.

7:30PM - I finished the chicken that I baked on Thursday night, along with some spring mix. That yellow stuff is 2 sweet potatoes and another tiny banana mashed together. I ate a whole raw red bell pepper afterward.

Something terrible happened with my second meal of the evening. The food itself turned out great, but I accidentally deleted the photo on my phone without realizing. I'm definitely going to make this thing again (probably Monday) so you'll very soon get to see the masterpiece that was an egg-white pancake. I whipped 12 egg whites into a meringue with the help of some cream of tartar, and spooned it into a large frying pan lightly coated with coconut oil. Baked it for about 20 minutes at 350, meanwhile, I mashed a bowl of steamed butternut squash with a banana (regular size), some cinnamon, and unsweetened cocoa. When the eggs came out and deflated, I slid the floppy thing onto a plate, spread the mash all over it and devoured.

I slept decently on Friday night and headed to the gym this morning for some "active recovery." I spent some time foam rolling my legs (which sucked because they are just full of knots. Any massage therapists out there looking for some practice?) and worked on some snatch progressions with a wooden dowel. I'd really like to master the snatch, but my range of motion is hampering me. I'll keep at it on these light Saturdays. I followed up with 2 sets of 1000m on the rower supersetted with 3 minutes on the airdyne, all at around 60% intensity, and stretched to finish the workout. Wasn't much of a killer, but that's not the point; I just wanted to break a light sweat and wind down the week.

I broke the fast a little early today, as I tend to do on weekends. Props to my man Ben for this magnificent meat session - he just so happened to have an extra hunk of pork lying around for my benefit. Remember: a true friend gives you dead animals.

3:00PM - I braised the pork loin in a can of diced tomatoes, some apple cider vinegar, a bit of coconut oil and various spices for about 8 hours on low. The precooked loin was about 3 pounds and I ate just over half. I had a large handful of macadamia nuts with a few hazelnuts mixed in about an hour later.

I guess that's all I've got for today. I pretty much filled my protein requirements already but I'll eat a small meal of protein and fat when hunger sets in again. Since it's Saturday and social interaction is important to your livelihood, don't fret about having a few adult beverages tonight. Steer clear of the gluten-laden beer and anything with soda/pop/whatever you call it in it and you'll be all good; I'm going with vodka and club soda with a lime wedge. Later, gators!

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