Friday, July 1, 2011

Cheater, cheater, broccoli eater?

Happy July! And welcome back to another edition of Bushido. For those of you wondering what I've been up to, I've been especially sloppy lately. One thing I've discovered since my last post is that summer time is a difficult time for adherence! For me, Monday-Thursday is a piece of cake; I dial in my nutrition and get after it with my Warrior crew (which reminds me, check out my buddy Bryan's blog for a daily chronicle of our training endeavors). But, once the structure of the work week gives way to parties and weekend trips, my focus becomes the whole cake (or pie, pizza, tray of assorted cookies...) Needless to say, I failed miserably to reach my goal of avoiding grains. (I was kidding myself with that goal, but on the positive, I enjoyed plenty of sunshine, tried a few new things that are not food-related and I have scheduled my NASM exam for July 16).

Really, this kind of weekend bingeing has been my M.O. since I began to focus on my nutrition about a year ago, and I've been content with it until now, but he last few weekends have been especially brutal for me. My theory is that ever since the Las Vegas debacle I've been trying to play catch-up (for lack of a better phrase) during the week and I can't make myself eat enough, and by Saturday I lose my mind and eat everything in sight. I'll refer to this as the "All-or-Nothing" cycle. Now, since it's already Friday and this post still reeks of self-loathing, perhaps the cycle has seen it's last days for a while. I am itching to get back on track, but at the same time, how the hell will I survive Independence weekend, and all temptation that comes with it???

I've decided to take a much different approach. This weekend I'm going to try to eat like a normal human being, and my will feels strong but still, I wouldn't bet on it; July 4th might as well be called "Potato Chips and Frosted Cookies Day." If I do well, great. If I don't, I am not all that much worse for the wear. I've already prepared myself a menu for next week, which includes mostly meat and vegetables, but amounts to A LOT more food than I've been eating during the week. I am going to actually force myself to overeat to the point that I'll want to eat less on the weekend when I don't have a scheduled menu. Surely this seems excessive to most, but not to me, as I am a true hedonist. I plan to provide an update on this sometime in the middle of next week, so stay tuned.

Lastly for today, my goals for July. I am disappointed in myself for my June failures, but I realize that I probably set the bar too high. Hopefully these are more realistic:

- Perform 83 straight pushups (current max is 73)
- Avoid pizza (a la BG...we're in it together, brother)
- Post 6 more blogs!
- Pass my exam

No WOD today, but GO PLAY OUTSIDE!

"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott

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