I have been training in the mornings for the last week or so. I recently took on a part time job in the evenings so this will continue for the foreseeable future. I will be training young athletes - mostly hockey players aging from 7-18 for now - toward improving speed and agility and also in the weight room. More to come on that subject later. I've adapted my fasting routine to fit my new schedule; I'm continuing with daily 16-17 hour fasts, only now my eating window begins post-training, around 7:45AM on most days and I skip dinner. The adjustment has been easier than expected.
We're about half-way through August so it's time for an update on the goals. No ice cream yet! I have had a few ravenous cravings but I think I can hold off for a couple more weeks. Not sure I'll be able to accomplish my strength goals, though. Heavy lifting has been put on hold for a while due to the morning training; I'm just not willing to get in there at 5AM so I can rest 3-5 minutes between sets. I've made a few calls about acquiring tractor tire; still no word, but I did make a 50# sandbag a couple weeks ago. Next on the agenda: a car tire-based sled. This past Saturday I did some jogging with that sandbag, plus a pretty serious met-con. I doubt you have the guts to take on that workout.
Now for the WODs:
- 200 jumprope/dynamic flexibility
- ~3/4 mile jog (with partner, alternating 50# sand bag carry)
- 4 x 10 pullup (mixing grips each set)
- 6 rounds (I go, you go)
o 6 x 10yd shuttle
o 30 line jumps
o 12 50# sandbag swings
o 10 burpees (no pushup)
- ~1/2 mile jog (alternating sandbag carry)
- Warmup: 2 rounds
o 20s hip flexor stretch
o 8 strict pullup
o 10 OH squat with a stick
o 10 judo pushup
o 10 good morning
- Dynamic flexibility
- 1 round
o 20 135# squat clean
o 100 forward jumprope (2 feet)
o 20 HSPU
o 100 backward jumprope (2 feet)
o 20 ring row
o 100 forward jumprope (alternating feet)
o 10 pistol to Russian lunge (each leg)
o 100 backward jumprope (alternating feet)
o 10 x 5yd forward/5yd backward crawl (with feet on power wheel)
- Warmup: 1 round
o 20s hip flexor stretch
o 8 strict pullup
o 10 Y-squat
o 10 judo pushup
o 10 good morning
- AMRAP 30 minutes – I completed 5 rounds plus a 6th set of 20 snatches
o 20 single-arm snatch (10 each arm – 35# KB)
o 40 med ball cherry picker (each side)
o 60s plank
o 80 box step ups (each leg – 12” box)
o 100 jumprope
QOD: Rocky Balboa comin' atcha!
Lastly, wishing a very happy birthday to my sunny day, MLP!
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