I was tired this morning. It's a lot harder in the summer. Didn't have time. The Bachelorette was on.
I hear that shit all the time. Can you guess what that map is? It's the estimated percentage of adults who were physically inactive in 2008 (did not participate regularly in any physical activity or exercise such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or even walking). Ok, I'll admit that I'm probably more of a fitness nut than I need to be (hell, I freakin' blog about it), but seriously? One in 4 New Yorkers watches that much TV? We're not even the worst state; Mississippi, for instance is mostly blue.
Here we are, in the middle of an obesity epidemic. Fatness is not contagious, and you can't get it from a mosquito bite, yet it exists at such an incidence that it is tagged with a word that literally means "upon the people."
I stand by my belief that proper nutrition plays the major role in obesity and disease prevention, and the "Standard American Diet" enrages me to a boil (I'd write a book about it if I wanted to subject myself to sustained hypertension). But I blame the food industry more than the people for that; nutritious food, for the most part, is a relatively inconvenient and expensive option compared to all the heavily salted, heavily fructosed, heavily processed "good mood food" (cite: Arby's) colorfully embedded on billboards and in jingles galore. Avoiding the drive-thru has sadly become a 24-hour-a-day job. That's not to say you shouldn't have a little discipline to not go out of your way for a milkshake and fries, but I've documented plenty of evidence of my own "snoozin' on the job." The good news is by this logic, exercising for an hour every day can actually decrease your workload by about 4%!
My real problem with the map above is that there ARE 24 hours in a day, and you DO have time. While even the best workout program cannot make up for poor nutrition (I see plenty of people at the gym who seem to make zero progress. Hmm? In their defense, Sticky Lips is right next door), exercise independent of diet has been shown to decrease the risk of not only obesity, but also cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, colon cancer, breast cancer, etc. You don't have to do my WOD, or p90x, or run 100 miles a week. Just find something you like that gets your heart rate up and spend an hour every day MOvin' it (see SOD). Your body (and when the next trend maps come out, the currently active members of your county and state) will thank you.
- :05 Planche work
- 200 Jumprope/Dynamic flexibility
- Core anti-rotation – 3 rounds
o 20s Paloff press each side (full kneel, half kneel, standing – 60# resistance)
o 20 plate tornados
- 5 x 5 fat bar bench with looped KBs (35#) – SLOW (145, 165, 175, 185, 195) / SS with 4 plyo. pushup
- 5 x 2 rack jerk with planted feet (95, 105, 115, 125, 135)
- 8 - 1 AFAP
o Pec deck (100#)
o Decline pushup
- 7 rounds
o 10 burpees
QOD: "Statistics are like a girl in a bikini. They show a lot, but not everything." - Toby Hurrah. There will always be skinny people who don't exercises and eat what they want. Don't get angry; get responsible.
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